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Teithio Llesol Ynys Môn 2 / Anglesey Active Travel 2 logoTeithio Llesol Ynys Môn 2 / Anglesey Active Travel 2

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Ymgynghoriad Statudol Teithio Llesol / Active Travel Statutory Consultation

Ymgynghoriad Cyhoeddus Map Rhwydwaith Teithio Llesol Ynys Môn

Mae ymgynghoriad Map Rhwydwaith Teithio Llesol Ynys Ynys Môn yn fyw ar hyn o bryd. Hoffai Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn glywed eich barn ar lwybrau cerdded a beicio ar yr Ynys fel rhan o'r broses ymgynghori. Dyma'r cyfle olaf i'r cyhoedd a rhanddeiliaid gyflwyno eu barn fel rhan o'r broses ymgynghori.

Ewch i'r tudalen ymgynghori am rhagor o wybodaeth ac edrychwn ymlaen i glywed gennych:

Mi fydd y broses ymgynghori Map Rhwydwaith Teithio Gweithredol Anglesey, sef y cam statudol, yn cau ar ddydd Mawrth 30 Tachwedd, 2021.


Isle of Anglesey's Active Travel Network Map Public Consultation

The Isle of Anglesey’s Active Travel Network Map consultation is currently live. The Isle of Anglesey County Council would like to hear your views on walking and cycling routes on the Island as part of the consultation process. This is the final opportunity for the public and stakeholders to submit their views as part of the consultation process.

Please visit the consultation page for further information and we look forward to hear your views at:

The final stage of the Anglesey’s Active Travel Network Map consultation process, which is the statutory phase, will close on Tuesday 30 November, 2021.

Posted on 6th October 2021

by Dylan Jones

Neges Atgoffa / Reminder Message

Diolch am eich ymatebion – mae dros 350 o sylwadau wedi ei dderbyn hyd yma yn ystod yr 2il gam o'r broses ymgynghori.

Bydd yr ymgynghoriad hwn yn dod i ben hanner nos ar 8ed o Awst ac rydym yn awyddus i weld mwy o adborth ynglŷn â'r llwybrau cherdded a beicio arfaethedig (Teithio Llesol) i'r dyfodol ar gyfer Ynys Môn.


Thank you for your responses – over 350 comments received so far during the 2nd stage of the consultation process

This consultation will close midnight on 8th August and we are eager to receive further feedback on the proposed walking and cycling routes for the future (Active Travel) on the Isle of Anglesey.

Posted on 3rd August 2021

by Dylan Jones